Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Case of Gimme-Gimme

So picture a room about 25ft by 25ft, a converted garage space, with large TV, computer for power point, sound equipment 2-3 musicians/vocalist, 3 large 'seasoned' couches, dozens of folding chairs...jr and sr highers streaming in, mostly jr highers...knocking snow of their tennies...bringing with them a blast of fresh-cold winter air, to balance the building Eud du Youth scent...lots of chatter; friendly- although sometimes crass, greetings.... Yep- it's youth group night! But sometimes it isn't long and it looks more like a seagull scene from the movie "NEMO"!

It isn't long and the crowd of near 40 is settling in, and surveying the lay out. "What do we get to _____ tonight?"... "Can I have ______" "Where's the ____, we had that here last week, why not this week?".... Weeks can go by with only a veritable few intentionally, with meaning, saying to one of the leaders, "Thank you."

Yah, been working with youth in some capacity for almost 25 years, so it's not a surprise, and not what I'm in it for. And, although it would be nice to hear 'thank you'. A civility lesson isn't what this is about. It is about something that may be even bigger...entitlement.

I do get bummed that the youth don't show thankfulness to the leaders- but it goes deeper than is a disregard/disrespect of those who have chosen of their goodwill to provide a place to meet, places to sit, music, food, beverage, warmth..and more. And just because week after week they have the opportunity to enjoy these things, without cost- they have an expectation of those provisions being there the next time they come. Why- because they believe/feel 'entitled' to them. Most seem to not even have the stop-off place in their understanding called 'privilege', which may touch off a sense of gratitude.

Of course, I don't want to give the impression that youth have the corner on the entitlement sentiment- the thread runs deeply in adults as well. After all, where do these kids learn these things?

The Word alone has the answer to break through this mentality- to short circuit it and reroute it through the heart, soul and mind- where our minds are shown that reality, in Truth, none of of deserves a lick of anything. Really, if we are honest with ourselves- let's face it, all of us have messed up at some time...maybe some more and some less, but no one is perfectly good! There is something in all of us that wants to scream- 'you owe me' or 'I deserve this' or 'it's my right'!

Now while these statements may hold some truth in a legal sense; I am looking at them more in a moral-ethical sense. Really...what is it we all really 'deserve', and knowing ourselves so well (including our thought life),what if we all got true justice? I shudder just writing that!

As grandma used to say "when you point one finger at someone, just remember you have three pointing back at yourself'...and I have to admit my surprise at not only the areas of entitlement mentality I hold, but how deeply I hold them is astounding to me as well!

Within my DNA and yours, there has been embedded a unique code. It is amazingly minuscule- not visible to the eye or any powerful microscope- and yet this little bugger permeates our flesh, and whole being. Entitlement mentality, as well as many other forms with which it manifests itself, can be traced back to this code. Scientists have yet to discover it, but the existence of it, through these manifestations, is quite striking.

Of course Scripture is once again ahead of Science on this one- like it was with the earth being a sphere...and MANY other things... So what is this code embedded within us? It is pride, it is sin.

Yep- you knew that, didn't you? That thing affects so many areas of our mortal lives it never ceases to amaze us! It is quite fascinating too- just when you think you've gotten rid of it and are so humble-- you look in the mirror, and there it is! Now your proud about being so humble! Yep, it's a natural part of humanity. Just is.

"I have discovered this principle of life- that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong. I love God's law with all my heart. But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me. Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death?"

Boy- this guy's got it bad! But can you relate? He could have taken the seemingly 'easy way out' and took the attitude of 'I don't care'-- but we all know that's a lie, if we are honest.... But there's more to what he has to say-

"Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord. So you see how it is: In my mind I really want to obey God's law, but because of my sinful nature I am a slave to sin. So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you form the power of sin that leads to death. God did what the law could not do. He sent his own Son in a body like the bodies we sinners have. And in the body God declared an end to sin's control over us by giving his son as a sacrifice for our sins. He did this so that the just requirement of the law would be fully satisfied for us, who no longer follow our sinful nature but instead follow the Spirit." Romans 7:21-8:4

So, basically, because of our nature/DNA of sin. We are basically pathetic, worse even. That is the truth. And crying out for what we 'deserve', what we are 'entitled' to....does not cover up the quiet Truth within us that we 'deserve' nothing at the least, and punishment all the more. And here the Answer comes- in human form of all things- to conquer this sin for live out a sinless life- and yet still be punished to death, not for Himself- but for ME, for YOU, for OUR sins! Oh, even to get my heart, soul and mind around that to any degree brings to me a sense of overwhelming gratitude, ANY value I have is because the Answer has put that value on me because of Who He is- Love, Mercy, Peace, Redeemer, King, Almighty, Lord, Saviour...."Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up." James 4:7-10

So next time that entitlement lie bubbles up, which it will from time to time until the Lord releases us from this flesh- Breath in the Word Believer. Let the Holy Spirit reroute your DNA circuit through His Demonstrated Love on the cross, and present life. The first step to salvation, the ongoing steps of sanctification (growing in Christ's character)- all being at the same place- Humbling ourselves 'before the Lord', that's the key. And Honey those chain links of entitlement will drop away~ No more gimme-gimme, but rather- Lord, thank You, thank You! And this will spill over and out of you- so that there is an outpouring of love and gratitude to those around you too.

Entitlement has one focus. On 'me'. But the twins 'gratitude and thankfulness'- can't help but be a double blessing- and beyond!

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