Friday, February 11, 2011


"That's a real 'sockdolager' for sure!" Now there's a phrase we don't hear much nowadays! In fact, I don't believe I'd heard the term prior to an economics class we had this past week- came across it in a recount by Davy Crockett. It is a term used to 'settle the matter'- a 'decisive blow/answer/finisher'- something 'outstanding or exceptional'. Some believe the the term to have a rural bent on the words sock (as in hit hard) and doxology.

I think the greatest sockdolager is Jesus Christ. According to John 14:6- 'Jesus answered, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Whether or not you agree with His claim- you have to admit that's a sockdolager if there ever was one!

Jesus Christ came, and through His life, death and resurrection- settled the matter of sin and victor- It was a decisive blow to Lucifer. Jesus said on the cross 'It is finished' (John 19:30) And, in an outstanding and exceptional way, He will someday return as Finisher.

As much as there are many that refuse to believe these things for themselves- and even go as far as to say they believe there is no God--- they prove the inherent nature of mankind to believe in something/someone....even if it is nothing/no one.

Mankind was created to worship- it isn't a matter of IF you will worship- but who or what you WILL worship. For to give honor, reverence- seeking divine...all take some shape or form in ones life.

By design, mankind strives to find something 'more'; have a desire to know there is something bigger than themselves....Many, as Get Smart would say 'Missed it by that much', and settle for science, ideologies, relationships, self, a 'legacy'...

There is also a drive within us for truth and justice. If left of our own accord, we will naturally turn to what is just/right in our own eyes. The 'law' is written on our hearts- but sadly many look to that law in their own heart- and do not question there being an Author of that law; the law then becomes perversed and abused by our egocentric/pride-filled natural desires.

Even a 'born beauty' raised to believe they 'deserve' to be the central figure of life- is, though beautiful on which to set our eyes- sadly, not one we'd call a loving friend...and as a fruit, rotting from the inside out- the beauty will also naturally fade.

The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics even supports the principle of things, basically, left to there own- will ultimately break, buildings, people, chemicals...

But we were not left alone. There is true everlasting Beauty to be found. There is Truth and Justice that will stand for eternity. There is something, Someone, more~ bigger than us- more powerful, more intelligent, more powerful, more loving, more just, more creative, more beautiful.... more everything! And He desires us to have a relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Now that's the Ultimate Sockdolager!